We will gather peacefully for silent meditation the morning of July 4th, 2018 from dawn until noon; and a peaceful assembly of free speech and expression from July 1st through the end of Vision Counsel; in the southern Appalachian Mountains. DIRECTIONS TO THE GATHERING ARE HERE (and contain road closure info, and other critical information. This post is updated frequently so check back for the latest.To learn how to get into the gathering without getting a mandatory court appearance ticket, click here.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Vision Council is On Going (7/15/18)

I know everyone is anxious to find out where we will be in 2019, but according to a report I received, Vision Council is on-going. Apparently the bears are bugging them to move alone.  Once a decision is reached, I will post it here.

1 comment:

  1. They debate how to spell kowns'l . I'd go with 'ting' , as in the Nordic 'kroketing':
    meaning congress of the crow - birds gathering in
    one tree . Autumn Ting , Spring Ting , Spirit Vision Ting .
